prejudecati demontate... gandeam cum sa inlatur prejudecatile pe care le au cateva reprezentante ale sexului frumos despre.. sexul.. puternic.. si destept! :)) =))) inceput cu dreptul deja! :)) in fine.. mi-a aratat alina un filmuletz foaaarte foaaarte smecher despre dragostea unui barbat pentru sotia lui.. pe al 2-lea probabil il stiti toti deja.. dar.. se incadreaza perfect aici, nu mai are nevoie de nicio prezentare. sa mai reparam putin imaginea acum dupa scandalul cu happy martzishor.. n-am nici timpul nici dispozitia necesara.. si nici persoana in fata careia sa ma eschivez.. dar promit.. ca daca voi fi pus vreodata in situatia respectiva.. o sa va arat ca unii dintre noi putem fi... foarte bine pregatiti. e un sentiment usor inabusit de instinctul de vanator.. si de.. cocos.. sau.. gigolo.. dar.. odata dezgropat.. nu trece neobservat. Hai cu cele 2 filmuletze si... Iubiti-va mult! :))
World Builder - by Bruce Branit.
A strange man builds a world using holographic tools for the woman he loves.This award winning short was created by filmmaker Bruce Branit, widely known as the co-creator of '405'. World Builder was shot in a single day followed by about 2 years of post production. Branit is the owner of Branit VFX based in Kansas City.
Posted on 23:49 by Dellon and filed under
World Builder - by Bruce Branit.
A strange man builds a world using holographic tools for the woman he loves.This award winning short was created by filmmaker Bruce Branit, widely known as the co-creator of '405'. World Builder was shot in a single day followed by about 2 years of post production. Branit is the owner of Branit VFX based in Kansas City.
1 comentarii:
Esti naspa :) Mai da si tu un semn ca parca te-ai evaporat....
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